The meeting could last 20, 45, or 90 minutes and its focus can vary. One is for sure: I shall make all the participants draw with me.
I want to share my knowledge, skills, and research with as many people as possible and I am always glad to perform at conferences or give a workshop.
Drawing is the basic skill of being a human, forgotten by us. Visual facilitation is a language we can all learn to use, and it can be linked with a lot of areas. We need to see our thoughts and plans everywhere and share them with others. Primarily, these are personal tools, making it thus possible to share this topic with people from very many different fields of life. However, it is also possible to focus on a certain field.
TEDxTartu 2016
Johan Hallimäe, Delfi
My research includes many topics that could be discussed with the scribbling skill:
visual facilitation;
conscious scribbling;
metaphors and symbols;
journey and mind maps;
meaningful process;
creating order from the chaos.
Pärnu Juhtimiskonverents 2016
Urmas Kamdron
Conferences I’ve been to and speeches I’ve given:
Autumn conference of the Estonian Association of Foreign Language Teachers, 2021
Workshop for Mindvalley Estonian Tribe, 2021
KOHIN -Experience events for women, 2021
Graduation ceremony of the Institute of Educational Sciences of the University of Tartu, representative of graduates, 2021
Agile Tour Vilnius 2020, online workshop
Financial Conference Pärnu 2020
Training conference 2020 (held in 2019), workshop;
Annual Conference of the Estonian Association of Internal Auditors 2019;
Estonian School and Primary Education Training Day 2019, workshop;
Agile Saturday XIV Spring 2018;
Training conference 2018 (held in 2017), workshop;
Tartu TedxTalk 2016;
Management Conference 2016- nominated among the top five speakers;
Tallinn Innovation Day 2016;
Estonian Secretary and Assistant Assistant Conference-Fair 2016, workshop;
Financial Conference 2015, workshop;
Võrumaa Civic Associations Conference 2014
Opinion Festival 2014, workshop.
You can also watch the Tedx Talk made in Tartu in 2016, where I used a digital tablet during a performance for the first time in my life. The topic was “How to draw the future- a quick course on graphic simplification”